Today, I encountered a video shared on Facebook that shows a violent crime against a dog. The video left me in such a shock that I couldn't stop crying thinking about that poor creature. After much thought, I contacted the person who shared it, and according to her, the purpose of the video was to raise awareness of animal cruelty, and I do not agree with her.

It is true, animal cruelty is a concern that should be stopped, but sharing violent content in social media is not the way to do it. No matter how pure your purpose is, you should think twice about the harm it can do for others.

  • You may have friends who already suffer from depression in silence, your post will only make things worse. 
  • You may have followers who might get intrigued by the popularity of the content and get curious to try something similar. 
  • You may have followers who might accidentally expose these content to children, a child's mind can be ruined for life with such content.
It all comes down to social media responsibility. Whether it is animal cruelty or any other abuse, whether your purpose is to raise awareness or to have "fun", use social media wisely. You may be spreading war without even knowing it. 

Science and religion had been rivals forever. But it’s all in the way of thinking; how people think, which vary according to many factors such as culture, knowledge and sometimes merely the mood of the person. I am a strong believer of God but I also love facts that have plausible causes, which led me to think a bit about praying.

As I believe, praying is a form of meditation which deals with our inner mind. When we pray, it calms our mind, which nurtures our thinking. Belief adds more strength to it and helps it stay firm. When the mind is calm and clear, it leads to better decision making, which results in good comeback. So it all comes down to controlling our mind.

Controlling the mind may sound easy but hell no! It is our nature to be distracted, a natural phenomenon that trains animals to stay alert looking out for danger in the wild. But even after the long years of evolution, our mind is still defenseless for distractions.

It is necessary to get a hold of our mind in order to face the challenges our life is throwing at us, which is why prayers and meditation have always known to work for believers. So basically, we just need to believe, focus and win! I personally believe God has his own major role in making our prayers work.  

Keep calm and win!

I was once letting my mind flow freely while riding on a bus when I came to think what an interesting place public transportation is. 

A group of people deciding to share a mode of transportation. 

I looked around for a few seconds to see others who were busy in their own minds. 

Each and every person carries a story unique to him, moving towards a unique set of goals in their lives. Each story is unique with decisions they have made that led to ups and downs, joys and sorrows.

So many vivid stories around us and we're focused on our own. Focused on how to achieve our goals, the ultimate achievement is being happy. Isn't that everybody's goal? To be happy?

We find so many reasons around us to be happy and yet, we need more. We don't even realize that we're missing out the opportunities to be happy until we stop racing for a moment and think. Stop being busy for 5 minutes and think. Think about the matters - even minute ones - you took for granted.

Be happy about being able to think. Be happy about being alive.
I just looove watching panda videos. It's such a better way to take a break from the busy online world.

Social media is a great way to interact with others, especially if you are not going to see them very often. It provides bits of information from other people’s lives – the ones they choose to share of course. It is kind of a curtain that filters certain views and perspectives from real situations, which draws people’s attention and very commonly allows people to get addicted to them. If you are among the unlucky crowd who cannot spend an hour without peeking into the social media world, you might find the following 2 points quite interesting. 

Source - BigStock

1. You work hard and rest hard

You know the importance of resting which is why you tend to count the number of hours you get to sleep every day.