Do prayers really work? And how?

Science and religion had been rivals forever. But it’s all in the way of thinking; how people think, which vary according to many factors such as culture, knowledge and sometimes merely the mood of the person. I am a strong believer of God but I also love facts that have plausible causes, which led me to think a bit about praying.

As I believe, praying is a form of meditation which deals with our inner mind. When we pray, it calms our mind, which nurtures our thinking. Belief adds more strength to it and helps it stay firm. When the mind is calm and clear, it leads to better decision making, which results in good comeback. So it all comes down to controlling our mind.

Controlling the mind may sound easy but hell no! It is our nature to be distracted, a natural phenomenon that trains animals to stay alert looking out for danger in the wild. But even after the long years of evolution, our mind is still defenseless for distractions.

It is necessary to get a hold of our mind in order to face the challenges our life is throwing at us, which is why prayers and meditation have always known to work for believers. So basically, we just need to believe, focus and win! I personally believe God has his own major role in making our prayers work.  

Keep calm and win!


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